A-Frame is a webGL framework which enables you to use basic html tags to build a scene.
The framework is developed mainly by two employees at Mozilla. Behind the html is the javascript frameworkTHREE.js which sets the base for calculating physics and the 3d rendering.
Getting started is really easy. All you have to do is import the JS files and write some HTML Tags. There even is a visual editor which can be used by loading an addon JS (https://github.com/aframevr/aframe-inspector). However, this is still in development and doesn’t work all the time.
If you want to use things like cursor events or text, you could include ready to use components. There are several available in the list below. If you get all frisky and want to create own components, there is a boilerplate ready for you.
My first test after some “Hello World” things was a 360° product viewer like you can see in some shops. To get this going you first have to find a suitable 3d model. It has to be fairly small because it will be loaded before anything else is shown.

Another thing I’ve built was a WordPress theme. I wanted to show that a basic page can be done in a 3d environment. It’s a bit hard to get the content in because writing text is not easy. Its currently not possible let it flow with natural linebreaks. However, see for yourself
These are some usefull infos I found
Antialising Option (not written down in the docu)
<a-scene antialias=“true“>
Using fonts
Align objects
Mouse events
List of Components